You with HL agree as follows:
- You have elected to purchase the quantity of HL-High Lonesome Ranch, LLC (“HL”) HLR Beef at the purchase price indicated on the “HLR Beef Shop”.
- You agree, with your acceptance of this agreement evidenced by clicking below “I agree”, to bind You and HL, confirming Your purchase of HLR Beef .
- HL will notify You, on purchases of Whole Steer or Half Steer, roughly sixty (60) days prior to date of commencement of the processing of Your HLR Beef (“Processing Notice”). From that Processing Notice, You will have thirty (30) days to complete full payment of the unpaid balance then due for your purchase of HLR Beef. If You do not fully pay that unpaid balance within the thirty (30) day payment period following the Processing Notice, HL will assume that the unpaid balance will not be paid prior to the beginning of processing of your HLR Beef which is a fixed and inflexible physical process and time period to protect the quality of the HLR Beef. HL will attempt to sell the HLR Beef You agreed to purchase to a party not then committed to purchase HLR Beef. If HL is successful in arranging a sale, HL will refund your Deposit, however, if HL is unsuccessful in arranging a sale, Your Deposit will be forfeited and will not be refunded.
- Upon Processing Notice of Your Whole Steer or Half Steer, and after receipt of unpaid balance due, HL will provide the Processor (butcher) Your contact information for You to work directly with the processing of Your HLR Beef for choice of cuts. (A Cut sheet is located on the FAQ page of the site for Your reference.) The Processor will contact You in advance of the initiation of processing of Your HLR-Beef and schedule with You the date when You are to pick up Your HLR Beef You and the Processor will agree on Your chosen cuts for Your HLR Beef, aging time and processing charge by the Processor.
- For purchases of “Beef Packages”, all sales are final and no returns or refunds will be accepted.
- With this Agreement, HL will provide to You Your chosen quantity of HLR Beef.
HLR Beef provides premium Quality Black Angus Texas beef from our lush and elevated coastal Bermuda fields of Eustace, Texas. Our customers KNOW where their beef comes from, do you?